Hangin With Mist3rDouglas
Human beings have super powers. Let’s wake em up! Exploring perspectives and techniques in frame of mind making and breaking. With psi, subconscious mind shaping and communicating, magic, manifestation and more. All to put us in a more advantageous position on the board of the game of life. We aren’t the only players.
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol One: Chapters 6 and 7.
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Gettin into it now! It's chapter 6 and 7 time.
Within this episode we go over:
Chapter 6: Societal Power vs The Absence of Power Schools
-Societal techniques aimed at preventing wide spread empowerment
-Modern Knowledge bypassing in depth info on Power
-The Absence of the Science of Powerology
-Philosophy buggin out when it comes to power
-What has happened when, in modern times, Power studies and empowerment opportunities pop up
Items to Investigate for Chapter 6:
Try to locate a power school open to the public that is ENDORSED and FUNDED by a MAINSTREAM power structure...
Chapter 7: The Web of Secrets Preventing Access to Empowerment
-The concept of a web
-The close linkage of secrecy and power
-Depriving the masses of Power Knowledge
-The major structure of depowerment
-Depowerment best practices
-The absence of studies regarding the nature and scope of human AWARENESS &
the absence of studies regarding Intuition, Telepathy and Foresight
-Perpetuating a state of UNknowing regarding empowerment
Items to contemplate from chapter 7:
No power schools
No encyclopedias of human powers and abilities
No studies regarding the nature of awareness
No PRODUCTIVE studies regarding intuition, telepathy and foresight **For this one though I must add that at the very least Dean Raidin and his work fits here. While not common knowledge it's pretty productive. His book Real Magic is quite good**
All this and more!
and hey,
Thanks for hangin.
More power to you.
Need For Speed
Cast Of Characters
Chapter Break:
Soul Shifters
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Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Volume One: Chapters 4 and 5.
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Continuing to climb the Power Pyramid this episode we go through
Chapter 4:
- Distinctions between Sources and Manifestations of Power
-Our species erecting power structures
- Our species Endowed with Power
*Questions to Consider for Chapter 4:
What Powers do societal power structures work to contain, control or suppress?
Chapter 5:
-Power structure designs
-The great antiquity of power machinations and problems
-The nature of secrecy
*Empowerment items to Identify:
Conceptualize Five general areas of societal secrecy that would be necessary to perpetuate powerlessness among the powerless.
all this and more!
and hey,
Thanks for hangin.
Music: During the show:
Enough Said
Dr. Delight
Show Closing :
Soul Shifters
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Ingo Swann Secrets of Power Volume One: Chapters 2 and 3
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
This episode we get into Chapter 2:
- Two Major Concepts of Power
Societal Artifices and structures of power
-The Essential and "Authoritarian" definitions of Power
and Chapter 3:
-The Hidden Status Quo Relationship Between The powerless and The Powerful
The disparity between the powerless and the powerful
The needed relationship between the powerful and powerless
...and more!
Items to be considered:
Chapter 2: Observe distinctions between individual and societal powers
Chapter 3: Does our species naturally produce gobs of powerless individuals?
and hey,
Thanks for hangin.
Music: Hopscotch
Soul Shifters
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Ingo Swanns Secrets of Power Volume One. Introduction and Chapter One.
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
The first toe dipped as an initiation into a deep dive down into Ingo Swann's research and break down of Power. Societal, Individual and the implications of both.
The subtitle of Volume One: Individual Empowerment VS The societal Panorama of Power and Depowerment
A conversation to widen the spectrum of awareness concerning power. What we've got, what's imposed, what's artificial, what's helpful, what's...not so much.
More awareness means more information available, means more knowledge discerned from the info, means more choices available from the knowledge discerned.
Let's grow in awareness and in turn grow in power.
And hey,
Thanks for hangin.
Music: Hopscotch
Soul Shifters
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
The Story of Gallano Episode 07
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
It's gettin intense now. Gallano and Sox meet up with a Felinian outpost. Gallano is hunted by both sides openly. Everyone suites up to fight off the waves of grays but not everyone makes it... Enjoy the action packed episode as we continue on The Story of Gallano...
This whole story has been a fun experiment to attempt to play with the ideas that appear in Alien/ultra terrestrial/ufo/uap info.
and hey,
Thanks for hangin,
- Mist3rDouglas
Show notes:
Music Credits:
Retro City by Cody MartinPIN8IJOSYURTJVF8
Mission Objecticve by WIcked CinemaHV1HVF5PICAZUANZ
Fallout by Wicked CinemaQZEHZ2TZOI0QPWWE
Reactor by Wicked CinemaHYFXW2YV5W04OGYH
Monday Jan 03, 2022
The Story of Gallano. Episode Six
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Episode Six (really episode 7 if we are counting the introduction...Not that it's a big deal) brings us back from the brink of episode Five where Major Nord makes a major decision, Gallano loses one friend and levels up. All this and more in...
The Story of Gallano
and hey,
Thanks for Hangin.
Oh also check out this sweet new cover I whipped up for "The Fall of the KT-PRIME" episode:
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Back in action with part TWO of our engagement with Ingo Swan's "Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP"
And here we get to the nitty gritty:
In this episode we discuss specifically the simple how to of dipping your toes into the remote viewing pool.
Remember: it's not about actively focusing on the information you are looking to observe. It is more about getting out of your own way and spotting the information already flowing up from your psychic core. You are ALREADY psychic. Now it's time for gentle attention to be paid to the system ALREADY constantly working within you, presenting the information desired to be observed.
-Paper and writing utensil. Chill spot to chill in. 15- 20 minutes.
1. relax, close your eyes if can. Chill.
2. ask to view/perceive mist3rDouglas's remote viewing image
3. let your hand doodle down what comes to you
4. get that feedback (for quick feedback DM me on twitter @mist3rdouglas)
I'll have a new one every two Weeks to start out. I'll post the answer to the previous round when the new image comes out.
Link to the Russel Targ App ESP Trainer
and here are some of the images from the book referenced in the episode:
If this one isn't a pretty solid hit I don't know what is. The target was a drawing of a cat. The response was of a cats face...or a crude drawing of an actor from the recent movie cats..which from the commercials and commentary looks frightening..so yeah also a hit.
Love this one. Target was a tennis ball. Response looks like a tennis ball in motion to me. A correct aspect of the target involved for sure.
Definitely viewing most of the components in this one. Looks like the segments didn't coalesce is all.
I apologize for the portrait positioned pictures..
The book is solid and Ingos writing is very digestible and his information is well sourced.
Perhaps this is a path revealed for you to take into a more magickal world. Perhaps it's another bunch of bricks familiar for your feet on their own fantastical journey. Perhaps it's yet another whisper among many. Perhaps it's the only one. No matter, you are here, now. I think that's awesome. Welcome! Your wild, weird, wonderful future is that much closer to your experienced now.
and hey, Happy New Year!
Thanks for hangin.
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Ingo Swann and ”Everybody‘s Guide to Natural ESP” Part 1
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Hello everyone and her we go!
It's been a bit and I'm so thankful to be back.
In this episode we do a bit of updates as my audio work has turned full time! A brief talk on crypto and then we begin to deep dive into Ingo Swann and his book "Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP. Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind"
- Some story time on Ingo with another one of his books "Penetration"
-His break down of how the mind is put together in correlation to our ESP core
- How the mind gets in the way of our ESP core and its attempts to provide information
-How picture drawing can bypass the hurdles our ESP core has to hop over
...and much more!
Stretchin the edge of our mind is what I'm all about. Ingo is a gold mine and I'm looking forward to sharing and spreading these riches with you.
and hey,
thanks for Hangin.
Show notes:
Ingo Swann Wikipedia
Estate of Ingo Swann Twitter
Ingo's Book List
Mist3rDouglas Merch
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
The Story of Gallano Prequel: Fall of the KT Prime
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
A special treat for fans of the world of the "Story of Gallano". A peak into Socks past, her mission, and how she came to Earth. This is what might be being reviewed in her current altered state....whoo you gotta listen to the whole show now.
At less than Five minutes long its a shorty but a goodie. This particular piece had the privilege of the work of Jacob McNatt.
Not only as Composer of the soundtrack of this chapter but also as the voice of Tygerius.
Enjoy and as always hey,
Thanks for hangin.
Jacob McNatt website
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Welcome back and welcome with warmth and wonder.
In this episode I talk about two techniques I've implemented for my morning routine to tip the scales in my favor for the rest of the day.
Beginning is constantly happening. We are always beginning again and as humans with our (as far as we know) unique awareness abilities, can begin again and be better at beginning than the last beginning we began. Because of this we can lean into ourselves as much or as little as we'd like to live in a way looking out for and toward experiences we want to surround ourselves with.
Technique Numero Uno is broken down thusly:
-11 minute timed session in bed upon waking.
-Alpha Binaural Beat Youtube Video (10 minutes or more)
-Ask yourself the question: What does it feel like to be my best/ideal self?
-Play with this question. Feel the feeling the answers give you. Consciously amplify and deepen this feeling/feelings until the timer ends. Play with it!
11 minutes because I like adding an extra minute to increase the odds of a strong 10 minute session. It's also a powerful number. Double Ones baby. That's just fun to say.
Alpha binaural beats because this is the brainwave state (the alpha state) we settle into when we are in a light trance. Body asleep Mind awake type situation. Mild yet potent enough to allow a more direct slip n slide trajectory deeper into our subconscious mind.
While there is no such thing as an ideal best self of all time throughout the universe because we are constantly changing and growing and in the process of becoming, individuating, processing and evolving, the question opens the mind up to the answers of that question. What would your ideal self be doing? My ideal self would be smiling back and a crowd that is clapping and appreciating me for my contribution. Now how does that feel? Play with that feeling for 11 minutes.
This rehearsal of joy, for the purposes of my audio log and journey we are taking together, is to inform, program and press down on the positive side of the daily scale of lived experience. Thus lifting my awareness allowing me to notice events, moments and opportunities I wouldn't otherwise be aware of since my perspective would have been different. As an added benefit it could also ward of anhedonia, the inability to feel joy, and keep those make your dreams real imaginal muscles more potent and flexy.
Technique Numero Dos deals with a mantra I made and used an alarm for a little over two years earlier in my life from an Abraham Hicks talk I stumbled upon one fateful Civ 5 playthrough with youtube on in the background.
Being Ready to be Ready is completely doable. It's not asking me to be chipper, not asking me to smile. I'm not being held hostage by positive thinking in the slightest. Being ready to be ready to me means I am ready to be present for the moment and what it brings. It instills confidence in my that, since all that is real is the moment experienced at that moment in time, that's all I need to be ready for. There is no use preplanning your positivity because those moments of joy, while careening toward you, are nothing of your concern until they are here, in the now, where you are ready for them. Ready to be ready.
When I was dealing with a bout of depression this mantra molded my mindset in a way I will be forever grateful for. So I share it with you as a way to begin a day, a journey, a lifetime of being simply, ready to be ready.
Try it on you might like it. If you don't I'd be happy to provide store credit.
Links to the article and youtube video below.
Get Ready to be Ready.