Hangin With Mist3rDouglas
Human beings have super powers. Let’s wake em up! Exploring perspectives and techniques in frame of mind making and breaking. With psi, subconscious mind shaping and communicating, magic, manifestation and more. All to put us in a more advantageous position on the board of the game of life. We aren’t the only players.
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Welcome to 2021 wonderful beings in this human experience! We are back and with an extra terrestrial/ interdimensional (ultra-dimensional?) treat this episode.
I recently was fortunate enough to be chosen to narrate a fantastic, comprehensive, investigative book "Somewhere In The Skies A Human Approach to The UFO Phenomenon" Written by Ryan Sprague.
If you enjoy the fringe, this book and its varying accounts of contact and experience are right up your alley.
So much was it for me that I had to bring a sample to you, with my commentary interspersed throughout.
I bring this fun exploration with the premise that, as discussed in the last episode, Magick is always working. There are infinite ways to allow the pipes of magick to pump more powerfully through your present experience. One way is to purposefully expose yourself to reality expanding stories and concepts. A true story is here for you to expose and expand yourself into, in all its wonder and careful curation.
Within this sparkling anomaly in the night sky of an episode we get into:
-Strange night time lights, shapes and sounds
-Two people seeing the same object but having vastly different internal experiences at the same time.
-A family deeply affected by ongoing encounters
-What the grays could be
-How consciously choosing a mindset absolutely informs our interaction with the fringe and the rest of our lives.
-My recent success with manifesting voice work
...and more!
If you are interested in grabbing a listen to the whole book click here for the audible page.
Mr. Sprague has a podcast with the same title that is a wonderful rabbit hole. Check it out.
And hey,
Thanks for hangin.
Show notes:
Ryan Sprague Author Page
Brothers of The Serpent Podcast mentioned in the show. Find them wherever you consume your podcasts
Thank you for the music:
elaineaeris For the closing credit song and inbetweeners
symphoid For the Chapter intro
Cover Art: Original By Iforce
Books and Authors:
Karla Turner
Raymond Fowler and The Watchers I and II
The Wealth Success Affirmation Meditation Mantras Fun and Regular with Ocean Sounds
Mist3rDouglas Merch!
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
A very cool piece on the topic of Magick and mind. Exactly why we are here!
I was lucky enough to sift through r/occult to come across this boon of a perspective. The author has wished for anonymity and I will honor it. The body of the post will be in the show notes below. Thank you for your written word and your wonderful point of view.
This particular piece drew me in partially due to the engagement with Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy and all same/similar information and experiences circling around these topics. Within the author breaks down quite well an overview of why magick always works and the implications of it.
we find that:
-magick is real
-Magick always works
-The all is mind
and more!
A laser focused beam of thought to ignite a fire within so we may cook a feast of a life throughout.
Thanks for the light.
Body of the post Below:
my "Infinite Gradient" Magick Model - why magick *technically* always works.
This is gonna be long. buckle in.
So let me first address the big thing:
yes, literal magick is real. yes, things like sigils can make it so that you can find money on the ground. I've accomplished intents like finding fast money, and the next day i found both a $50 bill AND a $20 on the ground in the same evening. Literally in the most unlikely of ways, it was crazy.
So this tells me, anybody who tells you that magick is "purely psychological"(meaning it doesnt affect anything outside of your apparent body) is either weak-willed, ignorant, misguided, or trying to suppress your abilities for whatever reason. Straight up.
Remember that reddit is an open forum, so all KINDS of people with no standard training can just waltz in here anytime and say anything they want, on top of the fact that they filter their opinions with strong biases. If I would've listened to all the close-minded fools, I would've never learned what I learned. I had to become confident in my own ability & had to learn to not give a fuck about anybody else if i wanted to experience the truth for myself.
The only person who can confirm all this is you, and its through your power alone that you find the Truth in yourself. Why do you think so many powerful spiritual figures in history went through a "hermit" stage where they isolated themselves from everybody & went off to mediate in a cave for years? because the nature of the real Truth is hidden IN you. Yes, conceptual frameworks can help guide you, but the REAL truth? its unspoken. its not something that can be "figured out" intellectually with other ignorant people. Eventually, once you reach a certain point, you have to not give a fuck what Aleister Crowley, Peter Carroll, Don M. Kraig, or even what S. Buddha said, and realize the taste of the truth experientially for yourself, to the point that its unmistakable what it is.
but you have to genuinely be open-minded to discovering it. Tilopa, one of the master founders of Mahamudra Buddhism, and a powerful mahasiddha, gave his Six Precepts of Advice for starting your path to finding the truth:
Don't recall. Let go of what has passed [mi mno]
Don't imagine. Let go of what may come [mi bsam]
Don't think. Let go of what is happening now [mi sems]
Don't examine. Don't try to figure anything out [mi dpyod]
Don't control. Don't try to make anything happen [mi sgom]
Rest. Relax, right now, and rest [rang sar bzhag]
When you genuinely let go of all the ignorant conditioning thats been hammered into you, the Truth starts to appear and you can see the nature of reality for what it REALLY is.
Now, here's the thing about magick:
I've noticed many people tend to ask whether their spell "worked" or "not." this implies a duality. and it also implies a misunderstanding of magick and the nature of experience.
The truth is, all is mind. This is how magick is possible in the first place. All you have is mind and all youll ever have is your mind. For all eternity. thats the only way youll ever experience anything; is you experience it IN your mind. The true you isnt a "body"; the true you is an unborn "mind-being", made of awareness. But because the nature of mind isnt obvious to itself, your true-self (mind) has ignorantly mistaken itself for its mental formations that appear in its scope (think of what happens when you fall into a fluid "dream" every night; your mind ignorantly mistakes mental formations to be "true" all the time & conditions itself into self-fulfilling prophecies. it ends up thinking its the body that appears infront of it because it conditions itself to believe its a singular self in relation to its other mental appearances that SEEM separate from it. but theyre all just one big mental projection. including the body. no matter how dense and vivid they may seem, its all still illusion. there's nothing that says an illusion cant have structure and density to it. You just gotta see thru it.)
Now, why is this important? because everything you experience is literally a mind state. Any emotion, mode of perception, any action you take, is a mind state. This includes the act of a "spell" happening within your mind's scope. When you intend a spell, youre not "reaching out" and using some kind of external "energy". its you, as a mind-being, changing your experiential state to appear as if your spell is true.
Now what do we know about mind-states? Theyre not "on-and-off" things if you really examine them.
Take the state of being angry: when youre angry, you dont just switch from "not-angry" to "angry". Becoming more angry is like a "rising;" you can feel your bodyheat rising by degrees when you get more angry. its gradual. And when you try to calm down, you notice it takes time. SLOWLY, you calm down.
And THIS is the keyword: "degrees". any state of being is in DEGREE--a measurement along a gradient. and this includes your "spell-state". the state of your spell is measured in degrees of its vividness. its up to you to determine whether its satisfactory or not.
Now lets say youre someone with a relatively weak-will: this basically means your magickal intentions are clouded by your other "mind-stuff" that you let get out of control: self-doubt, self-deprecation, your beliefs about the world, etc. These things become persistent patterns that become hard to uproot. all these thoughtforms play a part in how your spell turns out, and how you experience life (& this is the unfortunate part that many people struggle with: all the "bad things" that happened are a result of your mind; like nightmares. you didnt necessarily "intend" for them to happen, they were simply the side-effects of ignorance & unconscious habit. its unfortunate, but reality can be ugly. but taking responsibility for this is what transformed my life. i promise im not saying this out of spite).
Why do you think meditation is always recommended? because so many's people's minds are clouded with contradictory, harmful intents.
But this is what many dont realize: if magick is a result of mind, and mind is always working, then this means magick is always working. When you get up from your altar & your meditation mat, your mind is still holding beliefs about the world. so yes, you may have very well reached some degree of gnosis during a ritual, but after you got through with your ritual, and you essentially fell back to your old ways of thinking, you ended up with a shitty magick result.
this is why people may intend to find a $10 bill, but because the intensity of the "its hard for me to get money"-thoughtform is stronger than the "i find $10 bills"-thoughtform, then your spell-state becomes less intense , and you end up with a weak result : like seeing a $10 bill on an instagram post or something like that. Its also why many people dont instantly "get rich" from magick, even if theyve successfully casted spells before. they may still have some degree of disbelief that they could achieve ALOT of wealth. Their current conditioning may only allow them to have "decent" wealth, not alot. There are degrees to wealth, and there are degrees to cherophobia.
So technically, your spell worked, HOWEVER, subjectively, you didnt find this result satisfactory. so you decide to say "it didnt work". but technically, it did work, but the DEGREE of your intent was too weak to be satisfactory for YOU personally.
So what is needed to change this?
Contemplation. The old-fashioned "hard work" aspect of becoming a successful occultist. You have to do hard self-reflective work to uproot self-defeating thoughtforms. gradually, overtime, softening them, bit by bit, until they become so weak that your spell-states are more intense than them, and you essentially become someone who doesnt even need to do a whole ritual; you just make magick happen like its nothing. it becomes part of who you are.
This means going to therapy; maybe seeing a psychiatrist; taking your meds; forcing yourself to change bad habits; cleaning your room; taking time to exercise and eating a healthier diet, etc. Get out more often and actually talk to people (with a mask on now), and stop trying to summon succubeses and incubeses like a dumbass. Force yourself to develop healthier relationships. Study people who overcame the odds & became successful. Contemplate on the nature of reality & stop seeing yourself as a mere "lump of flesh". Seriously reflect on these things. Gain insight about your psychology. Change who you are. THEN you can get real serious with the more "obvious" occult practices. because if you dont work to improve yourself, youre wasting your time, and could potentially hurt yourself.
If you want to jump start this, TRUST ME: Shrooms are one of THEEEE best ways to jumpstart this. theyve been scientifically proven to change your brain in ways that reduces self-defeating habits. see the r/shrooms subreddit for more info.
this may seem "mundane", but if all is mind, then there is no true separation of things; the "mundane" is actually "spiritual" and the "spiritual" is actually "mundane". thats why i've stopped using the words "spiritual" vs "physical". all appearances are simply phenomenological formations of "something", with different degrees of vividness & intensity.
But once again, my words are simply a conceptual framework. if you dont agree.. oh well. but if they resonated with you, then simply use these words as tools to guide you to the REAL truth: the Truth beyond words. the Infinite Gradient of experience. Its already in you.
Thanks again for allowing me to bring voice to your wonderful words.
and hey,
Thanks for hangin.
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Out of This World Chapter 04. No One to Change but Self
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
The final chapter in Neville Goddard's "Out of This World"
Here we have a great wrap up to Nevilles direction. Within we touch upon:
-How it is the work of attending to how you would like to be, living in the end, that is the impetus for true change
-A meditation Neville went through
-Connections to Joseph Murphy abound
-Bible quotes
...and more!
At the end there is a mention of a very kickass episode that was actually released prior to this one all about reachin out and communicating with Angels. Great stuff which you can find in the episode list.
Moving forward let us put these avenues of directed attention to practice in whatever way you see fit. Fit them to your focus and find yourself living in the end. Living, exploring and expanding into a you and the world that surrounds you that you want to explore ever more into. We can do it all, together.
and hey,
Thanks for hangin.
Special thanks to esistnichtsoernst for the intro
and for the outro Divine Lion.
Affiliate links:
From Amazon. The Book Out of This World
Mist3rDouglas Themed threads n more from Redbubble
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Chapter 03. The Power of Imagination
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
"as a man thinketh, so is he"
The power of imagination is real. First Joseph Murphy and now we see Neville Goddard are saying the same thing. Historically I think it was Neville first..
Demonstrated with examples and biblical verses, Neville leads us to the font of our own source of power, our imagination.
Mist3rDouglas makes connections to:
-The method style of acting..stumbling through the fun Lawrence Olivier, Dustin Hoffman actor story to make the point
-Connecting it to a strategy for goal setting presented in the book Little Habit Mastery ..get the audiobook soon.
-"desire is the power that imagination uses" Neville explains and explores his meditative imagining state.
...and more!
"Desire and imagination are the enchanter's wand of fable and they draw to themselves their own affinities. They break forth best when the mind is in a state akin to sleep" -Neville Goddard.
Thanks to esistnichtsoernst for the intro and outro music
---Fun Links----
-Amazon affiliate links:
-to Out of This World
-To Marathon Man
-----Mist3rdouglas shirts are always in season
- That story I referenced told way better than I
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
How To Make Friends With Angels...Written By Reverend Janglebones
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
This fantastic piece written by Reverend Janglebones was a gem I was lucky enough to stumble upon while digging around in r/occult.
Within we are gifted with:
-A wonderful discussion on Angels including an insightful and artistic description of how they could be thought of
-The experience of a group exercise in research and contact of them. (Shout out to Gordon White and Rune Soup.)
-A Five step guide to initiate contact yourself
-A set of training wheels to light your lantern of attention in The Cunning Man's Grimoire Preliminary Prayers
and more!
An absolutely fascinating piece that has me rekindling my connection with my confirmation saint. I'll definitely do an update when appropriate. In reaching out and making contact with entities and energies that tune and play the strings of the universe and seem to provide potent pointers and portents could only bring about more beneficial synchronicity in lived experience on all levels. If we can shape our experience and choose to focus our attention, why not spend our most treasured asset on connecting and befriending messengers that, at least in a lot of literature, from ancient scrolls and biblical books to the tv show touched by an angel, can bring about perspective shifts that could send you on paths through the forest of the universe that you never knew existed to untold experiential treasures.
You can read the article in its entirety here.
Thank you Reverend Janglebones for allowing me to voice your written word.
Check out his Website at reverendjanglebones.com and grab a tarot reading from the Reverend while there.
reach out and share your own experience on twitter @RevJanglebones
Special thanks to nemaavla and Drakensson for the soundscapes.
and hey,
thanks for hangin.
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Out of This World Chapter 02. Assumptions Become Facts
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
And away we go into deeper depths that seem strikingly familiar. Chapter Two of Neville Goddard's Out of This World presents us with a deepening understanding of what 'living in the end' means for our mode of thought as it pertains to producing physical existing.
Within we go into:
-Removing our veil of the senses
-deep diving into a controlled waking dream seeing and hearing what you want to see and hear until your attention is completely taken up by the imagined state.
-Engaging with people as you would once you were in the state, time and place you would be as you imagine yourself optimally.
-assuming you are where and what you want to be, desire is fulfilled and all longing is neutralized.
...all this and more!
***The ongoing -pull back of the bow string and release of the arrow of attention- that we seem to swing around and get closer to each time we let fly, is, at least for me, recognizing this as a process. This is not going to -*snap your fingers* and boom everything is perfect now- put you with super powers surrounded by harems of whomever your into, standing on your space yacht sipping on gin and juice, or in my case tequila, looking down and laughing with the universe at this pale blue dot...At least, not until you are. The mind and our filters have been formed by every thought we think and every perception and emotion we've attached to the experiences we've had. It is this process of wiping the soot of limitation in all its many forms, off our lenses and seeing how intricate and multifaceted our looking glasses really are. That we can begin, through many different, probably infinite, avenues, see, reach into with our attention and fully experience how we'd like to experience this experience we are experiencing. Let the process flow, wipe Mr. Sandmans work away and little by little turn attention toward where you want it to go. I'll see you on the space yacht fellow Telstai. Cheers and as always,
thanks for hangin.
special thanks to esistnichtsoernst for the intro outro.
Amazon Affiliate and redbubble links:
Out of This World by Neville Goddard
Sweet threads Mist3rDouglas style
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Out of This World Chapter 1 part 2
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
We continue on and finish up chapter One of Out of This World written by Neville Goddard.
The Holographic Model of reality is referenced by me.
Neville gets into thinking 4th dimensionally.
Connections to Dr. Joe Dispenza and Joseph Murphy are made
Neville talks about living in our two different but connected worlds
I talk about a couple of my own examples of what we are discussing have come to pass recently.
I bring up that fun brain candy store of a show Devs. Thank you Manuel.
all this and more are within.
Big thanks to esistnichtsoernst for the intro/outro. Gotta love that freesound.org
Amazon Affiliate links:
Out of This World By Neville Goddard.. what we're reading here
The Holographic Universe written by Michael Talbot
And hey,
thanks for hangin.
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Out of This World By Neville Goddard. Three simple steps. Part One.
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Welcome Back!
Our next dive into the power of ourselves is into our imagination.
What is our imagination? What is this capacity we have to conjure up such deeply involved imagery, sounds, smells, tastes, interior experiences, and how does it affect and inform our waking walking reality?
Neville Goddard and his book Out of This World shows us a way in which we can learn how. It is up to us to implement and enjoy the journey of not only how, but why and what for. Lets get to it!
Within this episode we introduce:
-The three steps Neville knocks out for us to begin to live in the end, now.
-How focusing the mind the way Neville and friends are guiding us to, has striking similarities to the Stanislavski acting method
-A walk through of what one could engage and imagine for themselves,.. well one for me and one for anybody who enjoys dining out with friends n' fam.
All this and more when you are Hangin with Mist3rDouglas.
Shout out and thank you to esistnichtsoernst from freesound.org for the music Space Arp F Chords.wav featured in the episode.
Amazon Affiliate link to Nevilles book:
Out of This World
Wonderful Wearables
and hey,
thanks for hangin.
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.A review of some Choice Techniques
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Hello and welcome back!
Today we chit chat and trundle through a few of my go to techniques and micro meditations from Joseph Murphy's The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.
Techniques included, and linked individually to my youtube channel:
-Your Unfolding Desire Micro Meditation
-A Simple Technique to Receive Guidance From Your Subconscious
-Infinite Intelligence Knows What is Best For Me Micro Mediation
-A Meditation For Insomnia Before Bed
-Instill Your Special Person Into Your Subconscious Mind. A Guided Meditation.
-Choose Happiness
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
The Story Of Gallano. Episode 5.
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
A big episode in our Gallano series. Information is given. History is revealed. What is Gallano? and what 'on Earth' are the humans he's been hybridized with? All this and more within episode 5 of.. "The Story of Gallano"
-A big shout out to the many creators that provided such amazing soundscapes for this episode. For reals you have skills and I couldn't be more appreciative-
-Stereo Surgeon
-Dave Welsh
and hey,
thanks for hangin.