Hangin With Mist3rDouglas
Human beings have super powers. Let’s wake em up! Exploring perspectives and techniques in frame of mind making and breaking. With psi, subconscious mind shaping and communicating, magic, manifestation and more. All to put us in a more advantageous position on the board of the game of life. We aren’t the only players.
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol. One Chapter Twenty Three Excerpt Episode
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
I've been fortunate enough to narrate and produce the audiobook versions of both volumes of Ingo Swann's Secrets of Power.
I wanted to share some of the knowledge and wisdom packed into the these tomes and to that end I've produced episodes of Hangin with Mist3rdouglas that will drop excerpts from each chapter to explore and expound upon.
**You can purchase a copy of the audio version now here: https://www.audible.com/pd/Secrets-of-Power-I-Audiobook/B0BX1GNCH7?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp
In this episode we get into the differences between Development and Unfoldment and how these two words bely perspectives on how we view power and how empowerment can be revivified.
All this and more!
Definitely Check out Ingoswann.com
Thanks for hangin!
More power to you and unfolding from within you.
Cimarron Valley
Cody Martin
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol. One Chapter Twenty Two Excerpt Episode
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
I've been fortunate enough to narrate and produce the audiobook versions of both volumes of Ingo Swann's Secrets of Power.
I wanted to share some of the knowledge and wisdom packed into the these tomes and to that end I've produced episodes of Hangin with Mist3rdouglas that will drop excerpts from each chapter to explore and expound upon.
**You can purchase a copy of the audio version now here: https://www.audible.com/pd/Secrets-of-Power-I-Audiobook/B0BX1GNCH7?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp
In this episode the discussion focuses on Will and Willpower.
-How the powerful know about it and want it turned down as low as possible in the powerless.
-The talk of egalitarianism from the powerful and how this may just be a way to keep the powerless hoping for something they, the powerful, would never want to give up.
-The differences between modern day and back in the day definitions of will and how one set is way more active and activating than the other.
All this and more!
Thanks for hangin!
and More power to you.
She Ran
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol. One Chapter Twenty One Excerpt Episode
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Hey everybody, I've been fortunate enough to narrate and produce the audiobook versions of both volumes of Ingo Swann's Secrets of Power. I wanted to share some of the knowledge and wisdom packed into the these tomes and to that end these episodes of Hangin with Mist3rdouglas will drop excerpts from each chapter to explore and expound upon.
**You can purchase a copy of the audio version now here: https://www.audible.com/pd/Secrets-of-Power-I-Audiobook/B0BX1GNCH7?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp
This episode we go into some older (and for some reason deemed by modern society as obsolete ..hmmm) definitions of intelligence and then into Sagacity.
Then I walk through my personal initial toe dipping exploration into how we could actively engage with these definitions to aid in cultivation of intelligence powers. It's a fun time.
The Nine Definitions of Sagacity that are explored are:
1) Keen sense of perception, especially that of smell
2) Acuteness of mental discernment
3)keenness for discovery of truth
4)penetrating and judicious in the estimation of character and motives
5) Penetrating and judicious in the devising of means for accomplishment of ends
6) Shrewd; Shrewdness; Penetration
7) Keenness and capacity for investigation and discovery
8) Keenness and soundness of judgment in the estimation of persons and conditions
9) Keenness and soundness in the adaptation of means to ends
How would you engage with these evocative definitions?
definitely visit ingoswann.com to get to know the Man and his many works.
and hey,
Thanks for hangin.
Lucky Day
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol. One Chapter Twenty Excerpt Episode
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Hey everybody,
I've been fortunate enough to narrate and produce the audiobook versions of both volumes of Ingo Swann's Secrets of Power.
I wanted to share some of the knowledge and wisdom packed into the these tomes and to that end these episodes of Hangin with Mist3rdouglas will drop excerpts from each chapter to explore and expound upon.
**You can purchase a copy of the audio version now here: https://www.audible.com/pd/Secrets-of-Power-I-Audiobook/B0BX1GNCH7?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp
In this episode we discuss the deliciously dense chapter 20 and specifically the "definitions" of intelligence. Notice the quotation marks because as it turns out, as Ingo deftly displays, we don't have a solid foundational definition for it. This is discussed in the episode as well as:
-Evocative intelligence
-the state of intelligence using Tiktok as an example
-how humanity uses intelligence as one of its defining attributes and yet hasn't done much of anything to universally amp it up across the species
-IQ tests and a personal story
All this and more!
definitely visit ingoswann.com to get to know the Man and his many works.
and hey,
Thanks for hangin.
That 60 minutes report: https://youtu.be/0j0xzuh-6rY
Bus Won't Stop
Famous Cats
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol One: Chapters 18 and 19.
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Happy New Year and Beyond to all cultivators of power and empowerment!
Chapter 18 entitled Closed - Loop Versions of Power
Brings more familiarity to words like vicissitudes (which I may or may not have pronounced vicidditudes..oof) in
-Vicissitudes of Power and Empowerment
-Staying Power
- closed loop frames of reference
-a reminder that societal power structures are merely constructs and applications of power but not representative of power itself.
and much more!
Items to explore for Chapter 18:
Identify at least five societal power structures that have closed loop frames of reference.
In Chapter 19: Power - Intelligence- and Smarts:
Ingo guides us through ideas like
-how only one side of power is ever discussed
-Power has at least two sides
-Transcending socially conditioned concepts of power
-Some actions attract power and some repel it!
- Three transcendental empowering factors.
and more!
Chapter 19's item to fool around with:
In a power games kind of way, consider which of the eight kinds of power could transcend others.
Happy New year and so long 2022!
Thanks for hangin and more power to you!
Opening and Breaktime music:
Dr. Delight
Closing music:
Soul Shifters
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol One: Chapters 16 and 17
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Our Empowerment senses strengthen even more with Chapter 16 and 17!
This is directly addressed in Chapter 16: On Having A Sense of Power
-The term 'sense' with regard to power and empowerment
- Frames of reference
all that these topics entail and more!
An Item to Imagine from Chapter 16:
Imagine at least ten frames of reference that induce a sense of powerlessness. List these on paper and consider how they fit together to implode a sense of power.
Chapter 17: Personal Power V.S. Local Circumstances and Frames of Reference
A deeper dive into
-Frames of reference
-Constructing and deconstructing frames of reference
-Basic premises and frames of reference
All this and more!
Items to Meditate Upon for Chapter 17:
Conceptualize four elements of power that are more universal than merely local.
Yes! Thanks for hangin and more power to youuu! And Happy Holidays Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa the best of the end of year vibes to you as well.
To learn more about the amazing individual Ingo Swann head to ingoswann.com
Santas Turbo Sleigh Ride On Solar Energy
Avocado Junkie
Fun song One:
Cody Martin
Fun song Two and Break Song:
Captain’s Ship
Adam Saban
Closing Song:
Soul Shifters
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol One: Chapters 14 and 15.
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
I especially enjoyed these two chapters.
Ingo gets a little serious and I take the edge off with mock olde world engish psa style deliveries. Will it help, I don't know, but what I do know is that Ingo Swann is droppin bombs of knowledge with this installment.
We go forth into chapter 14: Power Energies Magnified vis a vis Those Who Don't Have Power
Within we explore:
- Why those who seemingly don't have power should be observed
-Why the turn of phrase 'fake it till you make it' can be described as annoying and unnecessary in certain light
-How its tough to see our own flaws
-Power Potentials and some definitions layered in
And more!
Chapter 14s Observations to Attempt:
Observe a selection of the "powerless" and attempt to sense what accounts for their condition and what potentials have been de-energized.
After a short break we break right into Chapter 15: You- And Your Power
Some of the main course includes
-The Uselessness of the Sweetness-and-light Empowerment Recipes
-The life fore equals power and Empowerment
-The loss of the life force idea
-Some thought experiments and an inspiring and personal story from Ingo at the close of the chapter.
Chapter 15 has this Exercise to Consider:
Make your own List (from the story at the end of the chapter) of ten, including what happened because of them.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and beyondzaa
and as always,
thanks for Hangin.
Opening and Break:
O Tannenbaum
Cast Of Characters
Olde British guys PSA song:
Holy Ground
Cody Martin
John Locke Thoughts Song:
Thirty Three Years
Wild Wonder
Closing Song:
Soul Shifters
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol One: Chapters 12 and 13.
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Further into the Weeds of Power with Chapters 12 and 13!
In Chapter 12 titled The Ongoing Dichotomy of Individual and Societal Power the subject matter surrounds:
-Societal Power vs Individual Power
-It's a Trinity not a Dichotomy (really)
-The existence of Intrinsic Human Powers
and more!
Item For Field Research from chapter 12:
Interview at least 5 people with regard to what they think about power, empowerment, and depowerment. (process clue: For best results: Get them to respect you first)
Chapter 13 Discusses Indigenous Depowerment and Personal Empowerment:
-Talking to people about it
-A hidden map of applied depowerment
-Further discussion on the prefixes DE and EM/EN
-All humans are carriers of power
and more!
Chapter 13 Items to Deduce:
Discover at least three important species wide powers which must be depowered in order to reduce the populations pool of competitors
as always more power to you
and thanks for hangin.
If you enjoyed this subject matter consider donating:
Opening and Break Music:
Tell Dem
Zaria Junction
Closing Music:
Soul Shifters
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol One: Chapters 10 and 11.
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Double digits now.
Within chapter 10 we discuss and explore:
Empowerment and Depowerment V.S. Power Games:
-Power games vs No-Power games
-An exploration of the history of the definition of the word Game
-Power Games with regard to Depowerment
and more!
Chapter 10 Items to Imagine:
Imagine/design six methods or more to depower your power opponents
In Chapter 11:
-Rules for power deployed within powerdom
-Power components as changeable/malleable
-The nature of "rules"
-Deployment of "rules" for power
-The concept of 'Power (rules)-making'
and more!
Items to Explore for chapter 11:
In stealthy and silent ways, try to notice those who try to set up rules for power over others, but which rules do NOT apply to themselves....
And as always,
Thanks for hangin.
More power to you!
Check out Ingo Swann's Website: https://ingoswann.com/
If you enjoyed this content consider a donation:
Opening and Break music:
Eternal Mountain
Lincoln Davis
Closing Music:
Soul Shifters
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Ingo Swann’s Secrets of Power Vol One: Chapters 8 and 9.
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Breakin down that pyramidal power structure one block at a time!
This episode we explore chapters 8 and 9:
Chapter 8 brings into ever more focus The Traditional Power Pyramid:
-social conditioning on behalf of a pyramidal power structure
-the multiplicity of power structures within a power structure
-power with regard to meaningful areas of activity
..and more!
An exercise to imagine:
Outline Five or more processes that defeat Empowerment and enhance Depowerment...
Chapter 9 Explores Four generic kinds of Individual and societal Power:
-An obscured problem that can defeat power
-Frames of reference regarding what power is thought to consist of
-Intellectualisms mistaken as different kinds of power
-Generic kinds of power
and lots more!
Exercises to expand awareness of the four kinds of generic powers:
Make a stealthy list of people who seem to fall within each of the four kinds of generic powers
Expansion of awareness can be fun!
Hey thanks for hangin
and more power to you!
If you enjoyed this episode consider donating:
Link to an article discussing Mr. Wexner's inner demon:
and Whitney Webbs Website: https://unlimitedhangout.com/
Opening Song:
Walking Chill
Hola Hola
Breaktime Song:
In This World
Closing Song:
Soul Shifters